While on a tour in Marfa, TX we started talking with a woman and mentioned we live in an RV. “You’re not in that Unity, are you?!” We said “Yes!” She told us she’d considered ordering one but hadn’t seen one in person yet, so we offered her a tour of our RV. While we were showing it to her three other people from the tour also asked if they could see it 🤣 I offered the first woman my phone number if she had any questions, and she offered us a place to stay in Taos. We took her up on it and I’m so glad we did! We were just expecting a driveway, but we got a whole casita all to ourselves! It’s been so nice to have space for a few days to stretch out, defrost our fridge, and get all our bedding washed (it’s the little things). We’ve met some incredibly generous and interesting people over the past year of RVing! And many of these conversations with strangers have started because of a shared love of or interest in our RV brand 🚐