The first weekend I moved to Nashville for college there was a lightning storm like I’d never experienced before, it spider webbed across the entire sky, seeming to never touch the ground, and I sat on the roof of a parking garage watching in total awe. A few years later I’d have many more lightning memories as my best friend and I would drive around in storms for hours. Traveling through some southern and plains states on the RV this past year, I’ve been able to experience those incredible storms again, and I’m realizing how many storms have held strong memories for me throughout my life. Lightning just isn’t the same in Seattle. Last night Beau said “I think the sky is broken,” he’d never seen lightning like that before. And just like that, new memories are formed 🌩
We went from capital city Bismarck to capital city Pierre (pronounced more like pier than Pierre) this week, the 4th and 5th smallest state capitals by population. Fort Pierre SD sits right across the river and has been putting on a show for us! Can’t beat the incredible view we have from our campsite at River View RV Park.