Here are some more photos from around Bismarck, ND.

In college I interned for a Tennessee State Senator. The job was menial, but the building felt so important. I don’t often seek them out, but I do enjoy visiting state capitol buildings when nearby. North Dakota did not disappoint!

The House and Senate chambers form a circular shape

The sunlight and the columns and the chandeliers (made to resemble wheat) 😍

The sky reflecting on the black marble with the bronze columns

The view of the capitol grounds from the observatory at the top of the capitol building, which our Lyft driver told us about

The capitol building is called the Skyscraper on the Prairie because it’s the tallest building in North Dakota 🤯 at 21 stories

The governor’s residence, built in 2018 for $4.9 million

Sakakawea statue

Rebar bison?

Stairs at the state library

Mastodon and Dakota the dinomummy (rare specimen) at the North Dakota Heritage Center & State Museum