On Sunday we left Yellowstone and headed for Grand Teton National Park. We got all set up at our campsite and then realized we should probably do some site seeing, so we broke down camp and headed out again for a few hours. The mountains and surrounding scenery are absolutely incredible! If you’re going to Yellowstone, definitely visit the Tetons right next door.
By the time we got back to our campsite Beau wasn’t feeling well. He initially tested negative. Then 24 hours later he passed out and I had to call 911. The medics checked him out and we felt comfortable not going to the hospital. The day after that he tested positive for COVID. He is doing better everyday, but it’s been a rough week. I have no symptoms and have twice tested negative. Living in a 25 foot RV, you can’t exactly quarantine from each other, so not getting it feels miraculous.
We had to change a lot of our plans for the week, sitting in the RV wasn’t exactly how we hoped to spend our time in the Tetons. It’s also not the ideal way to quarantine, but we didn’t have a lot of other options. Right now we’re just grateful he’s doing better and that we’re together.
(First photo is at Yellowstone Lake, one of our last before leaving the park, the rest are from the Tetons)